Two weeks ago, I spoke about the brilliant work of the Campaign to Reopen the Ivanhoe Line that has done so much to get the line reopened to passengers, and the investment of this Conservative government that is backing the project.
Following a motion debated at Full Council on 14 November, NWLDC wrote to the Department for Transport and Network Rail encouraging them to explore opportunities to complete the second phase of the line from Coalville to Leicester, and to assess the feasibility of adding a station in Moira.
The NWLDC Communications Team this week issued a statement which welcomed a response from the government “…that confirms investment in the Ivanhoe Line in Coalville and commits to looking at the future of services running to Leicester.”
I’m fully behind the work of Councillors and campaigners to get this done, and agree that not delivering the whole line, including the link to Leicester, would be a missed opportunity. I’ll continue to push for a station to added in in Moira, a growing community that needs better transport connections.
It's great to see what can be achieved as people work together. If I become your MP, I want to be part of the team that delivers the Ivanhoe Line.