My Plan

Last year I was privileged to be selected as the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for North West Leicestershire.

With the election likely to take place this Autumn its hugely important that voters know what their candidates stand for. Improving local infrastructure, promoting investment, tackling crime and delivering better healthcare options. These are just some of my priorities as I stand to be your new Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire.

North West Leicestershire continues to grow with the area seeing significant business investment with our road links, airport and a willing workforce. Together with our place at the heart of National Forest, this brings the opportunity to create thriving towns and vibrant villages across the constituency.  But alongside that growth it is also vital that we maintain and upgrade our infrastructure to support it, ensuring our roads and public transport can cope with a larger population, that public transport links our towns with our villages and new developments; that everyone can access GP and dentistry services; that working people have good quality employment opportunities.

Having been born here, working here and serving as County Councillor for Coalville North, I know the issues we face here in the constituency. Having met many residents on the doorsteps, at community events and through my work at a County Councillor, I have listened to your views and the issues raised are addressed here by my plan for North West Leicestershire.


Sustainable development and local Transport Infrastructure:

Our communities have taken considerable amounts of housing over recent years. As your MP, I will campaign that our housing levels remain appropriate and sustainable.

With growth comes additional pressures on local infrastructure. As a County Councillor I have supported both the A50 improvement schemes and the reopening of the Ivanhoe Line to Coalville. I will campaign to ensure road improvements are kept in line with the Local Housing Plan and for the Ivanhoe Line to both reopen and carry on to Leicester.


Education, Work & Skills:

I have worked with many hundreds of young people in my time running Stealth in Coalville and believe passionately in the value of education, hard work and discipline.

I want to work with local education providers to raise aspiration from a young age so everyone has the opportunity and access to have the best career possible. I am a firm supporter of apprenticeships and providing incentives for business to train for the skills they need.


More Local Healthcare

With the majority of North West Leicestershire being served by either Burton and Derby Hospital Trust or the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, it is essential that North West Leicestershire have access to the very best Primary care. I will work and campaign to see services expanded at Coalville Hospital and access to more treatments at our GP surgeries.


Tackling Crime and ASB

As a County Councillor, I have worked with the Police and Crime Commissioner to tackle anti-social behaviour and see more police officers patrolling our streets, robust action against shoplifters and measures to keep the Night Time Economy safer. As you MP I will look to tackle key areas, including county lines drug dealing in our towns, antisocial behaviour, rural crime and domestic violence.

I am well aware of the challenges the force faces, particularly with regards to resources. As such I will champion a change to the funding formula that currently sees Leicestershire receive a smaller share than other forces.


Stopping the boats and controlled Immigration:

I recognise the impact that uncontrolled immigration has on our public services, and the demand for housing.

I am a strong advocate for robust borders, actions to stop the boats crossing the channel, the swift removal of those entering the UK illegally, and reduction in net migration to sustainable levels.


Promoting Business Investment & Jobs

Due to our geographical position and work of the Conservative led North West Leicestershire District Council, the district has been significant business and jobs growth in recent years. As your MP I will work to foster an environment that can continue to create new high-quality employment opportunities across the district with improved transport links.


Regenerating our high streets & town centres

The Conservative led North West Leicestershire District Council is investing millions of pounds into our town centres with the flagship project being the new Marlborough Square in Coalville. As your MP I will work with the District Council, local businesses and the Ashby BID to regenerate our town centres, fill the empty shop units and improve their variety.

I will champion our local businesses and help maintain the district’s night-time economy in order to increase footfall and draw more visitors.


Improving access to sport and activity for young people

As a coach, I am passionate about young people having access to a wide variety of sports and physical activity. This sows the seeds for both their physical and mental health as they enter adulthood. I have seen the difference this makes first hand and as your MP would make it a priority to campaign for more sports facilities and opportunities both inside and outside school to give kids the best possible start in life.


Continuing to promote North West Leicestershire a leisure destination

This district has been transformed over the past 30 years with the creation of the National he Forest by the Conservative Government in the 1990s. Together with existing attractions such as Donington Park, NW Leics is being seen more as a leisure destination with the jobs and economic benefit for local business that follows. As your MP, I would work to build on what’s already been created with better public transport links and supporting the National Forest as it expands both in area and the benefits it offers.